Our Story
The DuneDrop Story
For my family, the Jersey Shore was a yearly destination. Every summer we would pack up the cars, grab the kids, and meet up to road trip to the boardwalk. If you’ve never been, the boardwalk at the Jersey shore is a bustling destination lined with rides, tasty carnival food, nightlife, and games. Our kids loved the games more than anything. Which brings us to 15 years ago…
One of the kids loved Skeeball. They loved it to the point it was all they wanted to do. The lights, the bells, the tickets, the competition, it was nearly an obsession. We got tired of spending all day and a ton of money in the arcade. We looked for a way to play skeeball on the beach. We went too complex at first, trying to recreate the mechanics, bells and whistles of the game. We quickly realized, that at times less is more, and we landed on what is now known to us as Dune Drop.
It was a head turner. One or two would become a large group quickly. Other families would come up with that “what do you got there?” stare. It even became team based as the family would play against each other and man, it got competitive. We started using one dune, but one became two and we would play head-to-head. You can be as creative with the playing surface as you want. Our most common design was three vertical holes, but we have also had a lot of fun with the pyramid set up. It gave us tons of enjoyment and we wanted to bring it from our family to yours.